Basic tools for successful sales and business development

Dienstag, 17. Juli 2018, 09:00 – 17:30

BioM Biotech Cluster Development, Am Klopferspitz 19a, 82152 Martinsried

Markets, technologies and customer requirements are changing ever faster. If you want to ensure the success of your own company, you must therefore constantly review your business models and systematically think about expansions and alternatives.

In this workshop you will learn methods and instruments that support you in your daily work as a successful business developer. Main Topics are Business development concepts, Segmentation of the market, Creating of customers profile, The value proposition and the USP and How to handle/ get the most out of a meeting

Target group:

Members of the executive board, business development managers, marketing and sales management, product managers, management and employees of corporate planning, managers who are involved in the development of new business fields

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt!

Melden Sie sich jetzt an, die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 20 Personen begrenzt!

Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zum Workshop und zum Programm.

Der Workshop findet in Zusammenarbeit mit Novoptim statt. Am darauffolgenden Tag besteht die Möglichkeit zu unverbindlichen Einzelgesprächen.

Your gateway to the Bavarian biotech community For over 25 years, BioM has been the network organisation of the biotechnology i... [mehr]